© Carmen Ezgeta

During the first week of marriage, two deaf people find that they are unable to communicate in the bedroom
when they turn off the lights, because they can't see each other using sign language.

After many nights of fumbling around and misunderstandings,the wife decides to find a solution.


 she signs,
"Why don't we agree on some simple signals?
For instance, if you want to have sex with me when the lights are out, just reach over and squeeze my left breast once.
And, if you don't want to have sex, just reach over and squeeze my right breast once."


The husband thinks this is a great idea and signs back to his wife,
"Okay, and if you want to have sex with me, just reach over and pull on my penis once.
And, if you don't want to have sex,
just reach over and pull on my penis... fifty times really fast."



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Ezgeta.com is a Croatian multilingual personal site with poetry, art, music, humor and nice things...
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